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Dec 3, 2009

Paranormal Activity: "You and your stupid camara are the problem!"

"Scariest movie of the year" - LA Weekly
"Most terrifying movie of the year"- Hollywood Independents

These were the words and image that were stuck in my head before I went to see it, so naturally I was petrified, because that's the thing about me, I suck at horrors. You know, like if you want to make a horror movie funny, you'll watch it with me because I'll lliterally jump out of my seat, scream my lungs out and run for the nearest fridge to hide behind. And also more important I was nervous I wouldn't look like a complete ass by jumping out of my seat and screaming in the cinema (can you imagine..), but my lovely and very persuading boyfriend succeeded in taking me along for the ride. So there I was sitting and as the film started, I could tell if I were to make a fool out of myself, I surely wouldn't be the only one.

But now to the movie, when it started and played for 15 min. I thought it was going to be a homevideo a la Kim Kardashian. You know, boy buys homevideo camera, boy lives alone with girlfriend... but as we all know the camera was meant for the capturing of the creepy and paranormal stuff that occured with his lovey duffy girlfriend Katie. Because she had some weird and fecking scary baggage. Apparently it had all started when she was eight, standing at the foot of her bed (EWWW...) . But now it was back in full trottle and her boyfriend Micah was being a complete asshole about the entire situation, trying to make fun of it and provoking it by taping everything and getting a ouija bord into the home of which they were advised not to have in the home by the psychic, because it would invite the entity in.

I mean honestly, I'm not saying that demons, ghosts and witches actually exist, but I sure know I would never go summoning it or looking for it, especially if you have no idea how to get rid of it.

And things were getting worse for them, because apparently these 'entities' feed off of fear, anger, and any other kind of negative emotion. And here poor Katie was petrified because her boyfriend was a jackass in this situation causing it to get angry by all the experiments in the home and therefore making Katie more scared and thus making the thing more powerful.
Katie was getting fed up and tried to call the demonologist, but was stopped by Micah because he was all like, "No this is My home and you are My girlfriend, so I'll fix it", and I guess that's kinda cool, you wanting to protect your girl like that, but then you should actually know how to fucking fix it and he was only making the situation more fucked up. Eventually he gave in with the idea of having the demonologist in the home, but then that guy was on vacation (Fuck!) and they were left all alone which was nicely illustrated by the psychic that he couldn't stay because he didn't know what to do and they couldn't just leave the house, because it would just follow Katie everywhere(double Fuck!).

And the scary stuff were scary (if you were watching this alone in your room and not with stupid people screaming and talking loudly over nothing, I mean, even I wasn't screaming then and that should count for something...). The noices and big thumps on the wall and floors were a nice touch and the light in the room in the back going on and then off and hearing footsteps coming in their room was fucked up (scary) and to see her dragged out of the bed by her foot was nasty, but to me the most scariy thing was when Katie was sleepwalking or just standing for 2 hours (how the hell did the actress managed to pull that of?! don't you get cramps:S?!) in front of the camera watching Micah and the second time standing next to Micah and watching him for an hour while the sheet of his body magically slipped off and then she walked to the living room screaming as loud as she could Micah!Micah!Micah!Aaaa! and he running to her to safe her and to not hear anything anymore after he walked off the stairs for a min and to hear the footsteps on the stairs coming up to the room to see the liveless body of Micah flying towards the camera and to see possessed Katie coming out of the dark with blood on her shirt sniffing over him... (EWWW GROSEE!!!) Ending with her smiling in the camera and to see her all demonic...

Honestly, I can understand that people would find this one of the creepiest movies ever, but i guess those people didn't have the audience around that were talking to hide their fear and chicks in front of me actually spraying nasty whorish scented deodorants. And me only making noise for maybe 1 or 2 times throughout the entire movie should show you that the setting that I was in diminished the entire frightning atmosphere (maybe that's even a good thing, for me that is) .
But for all you adrenaline seeking people out there, this movie can be scary because it looks very realistic but be sure to watch it at home and with a friend or alone if you really want the chills running down your spine...

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