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Dec 11, 2009

Gossip Girl :...

Gossip Girl

FYI, this is not a recap or an article about how wonderful Gossip Girl is. I can understand you might think that because of the rather nice picture above, but that's because I just don't want an ugly picture on my blog, sorry can't have it...

Ok, so last Monday was Gossip Girl: the Debarted, and I personally haven't watched it, well I have but for like 5 minutes until it got old on me already. But what I've read from several recaps is that this one had more heart than most of the previous shows of Gossip Girl. And I'm guessing that's good, I don't know, I don't care, because here's what, I'm starting to freaking hate Gossip Girl (Yes, OMG I said it!!)

And here's why:

Do these people know how to act???! Honestly, the more I watch it, the more I think these people are braindead or something... and I'm talking specifically about 'Dan', 'Nate', 'Jenny', 'Serena'... (wow that really is pretty much the entire cast)
Dan has speaking disability or whatever you wanna call it, but he stutters the entire time, as if it's impossible to read a line from the script correctly and he looks like a total douchebag, I mean what's up with his head and more so his chin, it looks like an ass and the fact that he's soo pale doesn't help him. But I can remember the first season when his hair was different, much shorter, he was okay-looking, not OMG soo hot... no no okayyy...
Also his character doesn't only look like a total douchebag, but (wait for it) Is a total douchebag... He's grose, he thinks he can pretty much nail anybody on this show, but I'm guessing he has a right to think that because he pretty much nailed everyone except his sister and arch enemy Blair (but that might change, you never know, it's Gossip Girl)

which brings me to the other manwhore, Nate... He has literally nailed everyone in this show, except for what's her name... you know, the bitch that pops up now and then, that has legs like a pig. Oh yeah Georgina, but I'm wandering off , because she was probably one of a few on the show that could act...
Nate has weird digusting hair, yeah, on the picture above it looks okay because his tux is sort of unbuttoned, but even if he is wearing a nice suit all buttoned up, he still has the same hair and that's weird because most of the time when you're insanely rich and living on the upper east side, one would think you'd be very vain or at least have a mother come up to you and say: hey, go and comb your hair... or maybe that's just what I would say. Besides that Nate or Chase Crawford can't act. It's just as simple as that. He has practically no facial expressions, well that's an exaggeration, he has two: the grumpy looking face or the happy looking face, either way he still looks like 20 -something year old with the mind of 5 year old.

And with that said, it brings me to serena...
because boy o boy, is that character stupid or what... she may be hot, tall, blond, has big boobs, she still acts like a 5 year old, unable of making the right decision, or at least a decision that doesn't make her look like the biggest ho, like Lindsay Lohan (but to get a Lindsay Lohan level is pretty much impossible and if you are on that level, I'm sorry)
Also because she is hot, has long blond hair, long legs and big boobs, (you at the costume department, I'm talking to you) do you really think it's smart to dress her up in skanky barely there dresses and high heels?? Honestly?? Now I've seen this Blake Lively in papparazzi pics and she looks normal and with that I mean good, she wears jeans, boots and a coat, but somehow when she's Serena she looks like a high end prostitute.

Which is probably the example for Jenny Humpfrey, btw I do think she can act, but her character is so lame... She was cool at first, then she started dressing up like a junkie and now since her dad is married to Lily Bass she looks like the whorish Blondie. And sometimes that works out well for her but then the fake attitude she 'needs' to posess to be queen-bee is just stupid. I mean, she gets mean but still looks damn insecure while pretending to be mean... Because you're the meanest if you act nice while still being mean... you know what I'm sayin'

But enough said, this show is getting old and repetitive. And you'll know for in future references the plot will be like this, one of them is going to get pregnant, will sleep with each other or have an entire orgy , which is probably this shows finaly or something, but it doesn't get more profound than that. And I know some people will agree with me but will still watch it because of the setting and the costumes, but hey I get it, it's okay.

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