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Dec 31, 2009

Going in the year with new socks...

Me and my boyfriend were having a friendly discussion about the fact that one should always start the year in new socks and new underwear, as well as new bedsheets. Accoring to him this is tradition, he, however, still couldn't give me a clear description or answer to what would happen if you didn't wear everything new or why you should. However it's not that I'm disagreeing with him about buying new things for new years eve, I just wanted to know why, but okay drifting off..
But I guess I'm also gonna keep up with the tradition, I now actually have a valid reason for buying new clothes (yay). And as I was looking for socks, I actually felt kind of proud when I bought it, because I never buy socks for some reason. Btw, I never knew socks could be so much fun to buy and that there are so many different kinds of socks, so also for the occassion a couple of pictures of my favourite socks and hoisiery (I see that as socks as well, yet cuter).

socks hoisiery hoisiery hoisiery hoisiery

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